Tuesday, December 15, 2009

what I'm learning - stress

Oh my goodness stress - I have to say that I never really understood what it feels like to be stressed out for a long period of time. Like everyone there has always been stress off and on in my life - but not day in and day out. It is sooooo exhausting. Each night I am so very ready for bed super early (which is totally not me!) Now I understand how my poor husband feels on a regular basis. YUCKY!!
So how to manage it is the question of the day?? Excercise? a new project around the house? a good book? crafts? what drives the stress monster away??


Our journey following Christ said...

Oh, Bonnie. I cannot imagine how you must feel with all this 'unknown.'

I do understand your stress. I haven't gotten to that point with the adoption, but did with the fire, Blaine getting so sick, being displaced, etc. You will find it amazing when you look back that you survived it all. When we are weak, God is our strength.

Extended stress really takes it's toll. I feel I aged so much this past year, sorry to say that but it's true.

I suggest taking some time for yourself. Hard to do, I know. Could you go for a pedicure, massage or something just to relieve some stress? Could you and your husband get away for a night or weekend?

I wish we lived nearby.

Just know that there are some people out there who do understand. I'm so sorry you have to go through all this.

Your will have a powerful story of trust and God will be glorified in your life and the life of your family. Continue to trust Him.

Praying for you, Bonnie,

Sha Zam- said...

let me know when you find out will ya!!

Our journey following Christ said...


The Lord laid you so heavy on my heart last night and I spent a lot of time praying for you and the kids and that God would move heaven and earth to get the kids' case heard and passed so they can come home.

I wanted to let you know that we had a miracle and passed court last night.

I shared my burden for you and the kids with my friend, Jill and we wanted to let you know that we are both committed to praying for your case every day until you pass. This is a battle and it can be won with prayer.

I'm giving her your blog address, too.

Blessings to you,